Dr. José Graziano da Silva, Director-General of the FAO, officially opened the 13th annual IFIF FAO meeting at FAO Headquarters highlighting importance of private partnerships to support nutrition and sustainable production.
Oct 2, 2014
Rome, Italy – Dr. José Graziano da Silva, Director-General of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), officially opened the 13th annual meeting with the International Feed Industry Federation (IFIF) at FAO Headquarters highlighting the importance of private partnerships to support nutrition and sustainable production.
Dr. Graziano welcomed IFIF representatives from around the world and highlighted the importance of the FAO working together with IFIF and the private sector to address the challenges in the feed & food chain. Underlining the importance of food security and nutrition, Dr. Graziano commended the long-standing partnership between IFIF and the FAO Animal Production & Health Division.
Dr. Graziano called on delegates to support FAO efforts on nutrition and he urged support of the upcoming 2nd International Conference on Nutrition (ICN2) on 19-21 November jointly organized by the FAO and the World Health Organization (WHO).
Highlighting the link between a nutritious diet, a healthy life and the need to produce more food in a more sustainable way, Dr. Graziano said the conference is a critical step to combat malnutrition and to help improve diets and raise nutrition levels.
About IFIF
The International Feed Industry Federation (IFIF) is made up of national and regional feed associations, feed related organizations, and corporate members from around the globe, representing over 80% of the feed production worldwide. IFIF provides provide a unified voice and leadership to represent and promote the global feed industry as an essential participant in the food chain that provides sustainable, safe, nutritious and affordable food for a growing world population. For more information on IFIF please visit www.ifif.org or contact Alexandra de Athayde, Executive Director, at info@ifif.org.
Issued by: IFIF