IFIF Organisation & History

IFIF Organisation & History

IFIF is made up of national and regional feed associations, feed related organizations and corporate members from around the globe.

IFIF is registered as a non-profit organization in Luxembourg and was founded on December 1, 1987.

IFIF is made up of national and regional feed associations from Africa, Asia Pacific, Europe, North and South America and the Middle East, as well feed related organizations and corporate members from around the globe. Overall, IFIF members represent over 80% of total compound animal feed production worldwide.

IFIF is managed by 
the Executive Director Alexandra de Athayde and Dr. Sebastian Csaki, IFIF Senior Advisor, and overseen by an elected Chairman and Board drawn from the membership. Board Members serve two-year terms and are elected at the IFIF General Assembly.

IFIF’s Chairman for 2024-2025 is Ruud Tijssens who previously served as Chair of IFIF’s Sustainability Steering Group as well as a member of the IFIF Executive Committee and the IFIF Board of Directors. The IFIF Treasurer for 2024-2025 is Dr. Reinder Sijtsma, who is a member of the IFIF Executive Committee and the IFIF Board of Directors. 

To support our industry on the road to the future, IFIF’s work is centred on three strategic pillars:

Regulatory & International Standards
Education & sharing of Best Practices

IFIF is a member driven organization and experts from the membership actively participate in IFIF’s Standing Committees, Working Groups & Projects under IFIF’s three strategic Pillars.

IFIF’s experts cover the range of key issues for the feed industry, and contribute to the development of global feed and food industry standards. Each Standing Committee, Working Group and Project is managed by the Executive Director in coordination with an IFIF Member representative who has been chosen as the Chair.

Federation History
André Namur, the former Secretary General of the European Feed Industry Federation along with Denny Blankenship the European Director of the American Soybean Association developed the concept of an international organization representing the feed industry globally over a five-year period ending in the setting up of Articles of Association in Luxembourg in 1987.

André Namur was the organizations’ first secretary. He was best known for his ability to manage the political environment in which the feed industry operates in and he helped bring feed-related issues to the forefront of the European political agenda.

IFIF’s first President from 1987-1996 was Brian Rutherford, past-President of the Grain and Feed Trade Association (GAFTA). IFIF’s second President from 1996-2002 was Henk van de Bunt of Victam International.

IFIF’s third president was Fred Stephens, of Potash Corporation. Mr. Stephens served two terms from 2002 to 2008 and helped strengthen the relationship with global groups, including the UN Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO).

Dave Cieslak of Cargill Animal Nutrition was IFIF’s chairman from 2008- 2011. Under his leadership the organization started to renew itself and he placed IFIF on a sound footing to start tackling the important issues facing the feed industry in the next decade. The development and introduction of IFIF’s new Vision, Mission and Goals, the 3rd Global Feed and Food Congress in Cancun in 2010, as well as the continued success of the International Feed Regulators Meeting are just some of the accomplishments of Dr. Cieslak.

Mario Sergio Cutait led the Federation as Chairman for two consecutive terms from 2012 – 2015 and was recognised by the IFIF Board of Directors for his outstanding leadership. As Chairman, Mr. Cutait led the successful development of IFIF’s new Strategy, Vision and Mission and positioned IFIF to effectively address the important opportunities and challenges facing the feed industry in the future. Under his leadership, IFIF almost doubled its membership and increased its geographical reach to key regions, such as Africa, the Middle East and Asia.

Joel G. Newman, President and CEO of the American Feed Industry Association (AFIA), led the Federation as Chairman for 2016-2017 and under his leadership IFIF held a successful 5th Global Feed & Food Congress, strengthened the IFRM meetings and commenced the next phase of the important work in the LEAP partnership, while strengthening engagement with IFIF partners and international organisations. Mr. Newman continues to bring his dedication, value and expertise to the Federation at the highest levels since joining the IFIF Board of Directors more than a decade ago.

IFIF’s Chairman from 2018-2021 was Dr. Daniel Bercovici, who served two consecutive terms and was recognised by the IFIF Board of Directors for his outstanding leadership. Under his leadership since 2018 IFIF experienced strong growth in strategic projects and deeper relationships with international stakeholders while attracting a range of new members from across the globe. He previously served as Chair of IFIF’s Sustainability Steering Group and as Chair of IFIF’s feed safety Capacity Development Programme, as well as a Member of the IFIF Board of Directors since 2008.