The 5th Annual International Feed Regulators Meeting (IFRM) meeting organized by the International Feed Industry Federation (IFIF) and Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) will take place Monday and Tuesday 23-24 January 2012 in Atlanta, USA, prior to AFIA’s International Feed Expo/International Poultry Expo.
Nov 17, 2011
This important meeting provides an opportunity for regulators and feed industry professionals from across the globe to exchange their thoughts and discuss concrete ideas for providing safe and affordable feed and food around the world.
This year’s topics of discussion include:
An update on the ad hoc Intergovernmental Codex task Force on Animal Feeding.
Technical barriers to international trade of feed with an update on the progress of redesigning the US feed ingredient approval process, and presentations on comparisons of the management of undesirable substances between countries.
Discussions on Emergency Notification and Nuclear emergency preparedness affecting the feed industry, including a case study on crisis management in Japan.
Registration for this meeting is now closed. If you are interested in joining future meetings please contact