IFIF is working with its members and stakeholders from around the world to measure, benchmark and reduce the greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions impact of livestock production globally.
Dec 3, 2015
Paris – The International Feed Industry Federation (IFIF) is working with its members from around the world, as well as international organizations, agri-food chain partners, and other key stakeholders on a number of strategic initiatives to measure, benchmark and reduce the greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions impact of livestock production globally.
As world leaders seek agreement at the UN conference on Climate Change (COP21/CMP11) in Paris, IFIF continues to collaborate with stakeholders on the agri-food chain to strengthen sustainable food production to help contribute to dietary quality and nutrient adequacy around the world through the provision of safe, affordable, nutritious and sustainable feed and food.
Livestock raising and the consumption of animal products make a crucial contribution to the economic and nutritional wellbeing of millions of people around the world – particularly in developing countries. Yet the need to improve the environmental performance of the livestock sector will continue as the UN FAO estimates that demand for livestock products will further intensify over the decades to come.
The global feed industry has a longstanding commitment to improve feed efficiency by reducing the feed conversion rates for all major livestock and farmed fish species. The industry continues to develop better animal nutrition to avoid carbon or nitrogen losses into the atmosphere or water, through better use of forages, feed additives and diversifying protein sources such as canola meal and sunflower meal in feed rations, or legumes in pastures for ruminants. Crucially, the feed industry also gives value to the rising volume of food industry co-products, further increasing the sustainability of livestock production.
To support sustainability efforts at international level, IFIF is a founding member of the Global Feed LCA Institute (GFLI), which will use the FAO supported LEAP methodology to develop a golden global standard for assessing and benchmarking feed industry impact and improvement in LCA calculation at regional level, in order to support the reduction of the environmental footprint of livestock products.
IFIF has also together with the EU Association of Specialty Feed Ingredients and their Mixtures (FEFANA) and a consortium of international companies and associations, launched the Specialty Feed Ingredients Sustainability Project (SFIS), which measured and established the positive role of specialty feed ingredients (SFIs) on the environmental impact of livestock production.
Moreover, IFIF provides expert input to multi-stakeholder FAO-led sustainability initiatives, including the Global Agenda for Sustainable Livestock and the Partnership on Livestock Environmental Assessment and Performance (LEAP).
Alexandra de Athayde, IFIF Executive Director, explains “through innovation and efficiency, animal feed has proven to be an essential part of the solution to make the livestock production chain more sustainable and reduce GHG emissions.”
Ms. de Athayde added “given the diversity of livestock production systems around the world, it is important to find solutions that work locally, while ensuring food safety and quality from farm to fork. IFIF will continue to champion science-based decisions, the need for continued innovation and better technologies, as well as regulatory convergence and free and fair trade as a basis for sustainable production in the future.”
About IFIF
The International Feed Industry Federation (IFIF) is made up of national and regional feed associations, feed related organizations, and corporate members from around the globe, representing over 80% of the feed production worldwide. IFIF provides provide a unified voice and leadership to represent and promote the global feed industry as an essential participant in the food chain that provides sustainable, safe, nutritious and affordable food for a growing world population. For more information on IFIF please visit www.ifif.org or contact Alexandra de Athayde, Executive Director, at info@ifif.org.
Issued by: IFIF