LEAP launches guidelines on the environmental performance of feed additives in livestock supply chains

Sep 21, 2020

Rome, Italy – IFIF is pleased to announce the official release of the LEAP guidelines on the environmental performance of feed additives in livestock supply chains, which were launched at the LEAP outreach event “Innovation to tackle climate change and pollution: Generating facts about feed additives and livestock production” on 21 September 2020.

IFIF is a founding partner of the Livestock Environmental Assessment and Performance Partnership (LEAP), which aims to improve how the environmental impacts of the livestock industry are measured and assessed. IFIF was closely involved in the development of the feed additives guidance document though its expert members participation in the LEAP TAG on Feed Additives and the guidelines  will further support efforts to reduce the impact of livestock products on the environment.

More than 500 participants from around the world joined the LEAP event, which was opened by the Agricultural Ministers from Uruguay and Ireland, together with the FAO Deputy Director General and the LEAP Chair 2020. Prof. Ermias Kebreab and Chaouki Benchaar, leaders of the LEAP Feed Additives Technical Advisory Group (TAG), presented the final guidelines.

Daniel Bercovici, IFIF Chairman, also presented at the event underlining “the strong cooperation between IFIF and FAO / LEAP is evident in this partnership, and the IFIF FEFANA Specialty Feed Ingredients Sustainability (SFIS) Project formed the basis of the LEAP Feed Additives TAG, while the Global Feed LCA Institute (GFLI), of which IFIF is a founding Member, is putting the LEAP feed guidelines into practice to support the improvement of the environmental performance of livestock production around the world.”

Dr. Bercovici added “the integration of the science-based standard methodologies under the LEAP guidelines is key to engrave in stone these key scientific advances.” Click here to read the full remarks made by the IFIF Chairman at the LEAP event.

The LEAP Feed Additives Guidelines can be downloaded at the following link: http://www.fao.org/documents/card/en/c/ca9744en.

About IFIF

The International Feed Industry Federation (IFIF) is made up of national and regional feed associations, feed related organizations, and corporate members from around the globe, representing over 80% of the feed production worldwide. IFIF provides a unified voice and leadership to represent and promote the global feed industry as an essential participant in the food chain that provides sustainable, safe, nutritious and affordable food for a growing world population. For more information on IFIF please visit www.ifif.org or contact Alexandra de Athayde, Executive Director, at info@ifif.org.


Issued by: IFIF