IFIF has launched an updated version of its popular e-learning course ‘Good Production Practices in the Feed Industry’, an online training programme to support increasing safety and feed quality at the production level.
The training course was fully updated in line with the new IFIF FAO Manual ‘Good Practices for the Feed Sector: Implementing the Codex Alimentarius Code of Practice on Good Animal Feeding. In 2020, FAO and IFIF published the new Manual, which aims to increase safety and feed quality at the production level. The Manual is a fully revised, updated and expanded version, which addresses recent developments in feed production and benefits from the latest scientific and technical knowledge.
The IFIF e-learning training course is aimed at stakeholders working in the feed chain and is available at no cost for government officials working in fields related to feed production as well as qualifying stakeholders and feed millers in emerging markets. Participants who successfully complete the 10 online modules and pass a final exam will receive a certificate, as well as have the opportunity to participate in a live virtual classroom with an IFIF expert trainer at the end. The IFIF course can be accessed at the following link: https://www.anprocampus.com/ttpages/info/?id=43.
The IFIF e-learning course is part of IFIF’s mission to support feed safety and capacity development and the training aims for real impacts for participants who can apply their new feed safety skills in their daily work to support increased feed safety and quality at the production level.