IFIF/FAO Manual ‘Good Practices for the Feed Sector’

In 2020 FAO and IFIF published the new Manual ‘Good Practices for the Feed Sector: Implementing the Codex Alimentarius Code of Practice on Good Animal Feeding’ to increase safety and feed quality at the production level.

This Manual was first published in 2010 and has been a valuable tool to increase knowledge and improve feed safety at the production level, and it is widely recognized and used in many countries around the world. This second publication, the ‘Manual of Good Practices for the Feed Sector: Implementing the Codex Alimentarius Code of Practice on Good Animal Feeding’ is a fully revised, updated and expanded version of that Manual and addresses recent developments in feed production and benefits from the latest scientific and technical knowledge.


IFIF FAO Feed Manual 2020 – Good practices for the feed sector

The objective of the Manual is to provide comprehensive information and practical guidelines to farmers, producers and all stakeholders along the feed value chain to comply with the requirements of the Codex Alimentarius Code of Practice on Good Animal Feeding. The application of the Code is an important step for the expansion of international trade of feed and products of animal origin. Both feed/food exporting and importing countries can benefit from a greater and safer trade of feed and products of animal origins.

Feed safety is a key element in the sustainable production of food of animal origin: it is a prerequisite for food safety and human health, as well as a necessity for animal health and welfare.”

Feed safety is also a component of access to trade, income generation and economic sustainability in fact, feed is an integral part of the food chain and its safety has been recognized as a shared value and a shared responsibility.

This Manual is intended to guide managers of feedmills, the feed industry as a whole and on-farm feed mixers and producers. It will also be of value to national competent authorities, in particular those engaged in feed inspection, in their supervisory roles. It can also serve as a training manual and a guide to setting up national feed associations.

The application of the Codex Alimentarius Code of Practice on Good Animal Feeding is an important step for the expansion of international trade in feed products as well as in products of animal origin. Both food exporting and importing countries can benefit from a more level playing field to support the trade of safe food products.

The Manual is a very relevant document to help support better standards, particular in developing economies and some results from the 2010 manual include:

  • ‘Feed Manual of Good Practices for the Feed Industry’ shared with regulators and industry globally as a key resource to increase the safety of feed (and food) production. The 2010 Manual is available in Arabic, Chinese, English, French and Spanish.
  • IFIF-led workshops and training reached feed producers and feed industries worldwide, including: over 30 trainers in Nigeria, 60 feed millers in Tanzania, and government officials from 10 countries in Latin America. Workshops have also been carried out in Nigeria, Egypt, India and Brazil.
  • Setting up the Southern African Feed Manufacturers’ Association to help harmonize legislation and regulations, boosting trade among countries and creating a self-regulating regional industry.
  • Catalyzing the FAO-led Feed Safety Multi-Stakeholder Partnership to promote and support global capacity development.

Thanks to the project support, feed safety, and, as a result, food safety, continues to improve worldwide:

  • Feed regulators and industry in developing countries regularly use the Feed Manual as a reference for updating and comparing legislation and regulations. Across Africa, Asia and Latin America governments and companies have made changes to meet the Codex Code of Practice on Good Animal Feeding.
  • The Manual is being used to train industry and raise awareness among policy makers and producers. It is also being used as a teaching tool in universities, receiving positive feedback from students.

2010 Feed Manual – Good Practices for the Feed Industry

The 2010 Feed Manual has been distributed to regulators and Industry globally and is currently available for download in Arabic, Chinese, English, French and Spanish language – see downloads below. We believe it is a very relevant document to help support better standards, particular in developing economies.

The production and publication of the 2010 Feed Manual was made possible by a grant from the Standards and Trade Development Facility (STDF), a global partnership that supports developing countries in building their capacity to implement international sanitary and phytosanitary (SPS) standards, guidelines and recommendations as a means to improve their human, animal and plant health status and ability to gain or maintain access to markets.

Downloads of 2010 IFIF FAO Manual – for background reference only.


IFIF / FAO Feed Manual – English


IFIF / FAO Feed Manual – French


IFIF / FAO Feed Manual – Spanish


IFIF / FAO Feed Manual – Chinese


IFIF / FAO Feed Manual – Arabic